
On December 18, 2020, twelve research-funding European organizations with the support of Science Europe launched Weave, a European initiative whose aim is to fund and support excellent international research projects evaluated  on the Lead Agency (LA) principle. The scope of this network, which will support bilateral and trilateral scientific cooperation across Europe, is unique.

GACR is already cooperating with some members of the initiative:

  • Austrian Science Fund (FWF—Austria)
  • German Research Foundation (DFG—Germany)
  • National Science Centre (NCN—Poland)
  • Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS—Slovenia)
  • Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF—Switzerland)
  • The Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR—Luxembourg)
  • Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ—Croatia) – no call available so far

*Trilateral projects may be proposed with all of the above mentioned agencies.

In the following years, GACR will establish cooperation with other Weave members:

  • Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS—Belgium)
  • Research Foundation Flanders (FWO—Belgium)
  • Research Council of Norway (RCN—Norway)
  • Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS—Sweden)

 The aim of Weave is to simplify the submission of proposals and the selection procedure of joint projects – the evaluation will always be carried out by only one organization. The agencies’ existing structures will be used for the evaluation and funding of projects. Establishing foreign cooperation should therefore be easier for scientists. The initiative also has ambitions to extend the opportunities for researchers to freely determine the composition, orientation and content of their projects across Europe. The choice of which agency will evaluate their project falls to the decision of the cooperating teams.

Our agency will provide information about individual calls separately on its website in the News section, as well as on this webpage.

The webpage of the Weave initiative can be viewed at this link: http://www.weave-research.net

For further information contact us at la@gacr.cz.



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