The goal of GACR is to support scientific excellence across all fields of study. The evaluation process for Project Proposals is carried out according to criteria laid down in the relevant tender documentation on the basis of the “peer review” system and mutual comparison. The end goal is the maximization of professionalism, transparency and independence of evaluation. The latter is further supported during the evaluation of EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR calls by only selecting foreign experts to be members of Discipline Committees. All project reviewers are bound by a strict Code of Conduct.
- Only foreign experts with no ties to the Czech Republic can be selected to be Discipline Committee members
- The evaluation process is divided into two phases
- The length of the review period is set by law to be 8 months
- At least four evaluations by Committee members are made for each Project Proposal, as well as two evaluations from abroad by foreign experts when possible
EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR Discipline Committees
- Each Committee is made up of 8 to 15 foreign members, including the Chair
- Every Discipline Committee member must prove a high level of expertise, based primarily on works published
- A Committee member must be able to evaluate Project Proposals in a broader framework of the scientific field and assess them using professional criteria only
- Discipline Committee members are appointed by the GACR Presidium
1st Phase of Evaluation
1. Assigning Project Proposals to a Discipline Committee
- Each Project Proposal is assigned to the Discipline Committee chosen by the applicant in the Project Proposal
- The Discipline Committee Chair checks whether all Project Proposals fall into the fields of their chosen Discipline Committees and, if needed, will suggest their reassignment
2. Assigning rapporteurs
- Each Project Proposal is assigned four Discipline Committee members - rapporteurs
- In the case of interdisciplinary Projects, one of the four rapporteurs is chosen from another relevant Discipline Committee
Rapporteur evaluation of Project Proposals
- Rapporteurs study the Project Proposal and independently complete their own evaluations on the basis of two criteria:
- (1) excellence of the applicant and their ability to work on the Project
- (2) The meaning and goal of the Project, as well as the means to achieve them
- Rapporteurs evaluate Project Proposals both in writing (via an evaluation form) and numerically (on a scale of 1-5 points)
- Each Rapporteur recommends 2-3 suitable external reviewers for Projects which they placed in the better half of their rating
4. First Discipline Committee meeting
- All Discipline Committee members become acquainted with all Project Proposals and their evaluations before their meeting
- At the Discipline Committee meeting, each Project Proposal is discussed in-depth and evaluated in terms of quality in the context of international excellence
- The Discipline Committee assigns foreign reviewers to each Project Proposal, based on the recommendation of the Project rapporteu
5. Role of the GACR Presidium in the first phase of evaluation
- The GACR Presidium chooses, on the basis of Discipline Committee recommendations, what Project Proposals will advance into the second phase of evaluation
2nd phase of evaluation
6. External evaluations
- For Project Proposals continuing into the second phase of evaluation, two evaluations from foreign reviewers are obtained (when possible)
- The evaluations of foreign reviewers are made on the basis of the same criteria as the evaluations of Committee members:
- (1) excellence of the applicant and their ability to work on the Project
- (2) The meaning and goal of the Project and the means to achieve them
- The foreign reviewer assigns each of these criteria points independently on a scale of 1-5
7. Becoming acquainted with advancing Project Proposals
- All Committee members become acquainted with all Project Proposals placed into the “advancing” category, including all evaluations made by rapporteurs and foreign reviewers
- Each committee member independently reviews the individual goals and qualities of all applicants for each Project Proposal by assigning each of them a score of 1-5
- An ordering of Projects is automatically made on the basis of these evaluations
8. Second Discipline Committee meeting
- Each Project Proposal is presented by its principal rapporteur and discussed in-depth, taking into account all of its evaluations
- The Committee discusses the financial adequacy of funds required for each Project Proposal recommended for funding, as well as their planned working time
- The Discipline Committee suggests the final ordering of Projects falling within its area of expertise
9. Decision of the Presidium
- The GACR Presidium, taking into account the suggestions of the Discipline Committees, makes the final decision on which Projects to finance.