Bilateral cooperation

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Cooperation with Taiwan

On 3 November 2008, a Memorandum of Understanding on Research Cooperation between the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and and National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), formerly the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC), was signed by the Presidents of both agencies. The aim of this Memorandum is to establish and broaden cooperation in research and development between researchers and institutions of these two countries and to enable easier exchange of information and techniques in areas of common interest.
The agreement of cooperation involves all areas of science and technology. All scientific and academic workers may take part in it, as long as they meet all criteria required by the Czech Science Foundation and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Cooperation is focused on bilateral grant projects. Proposals are to be submitted in English language to both grant agencies simultaneously. Proposals must meet all criteria required by both NSTC and GACR. The call for proposals is announced once a year, usually in February/March. Project duration is two to three years. Proposals for bilateral projects have to be based on mutually complementary methodologies and procedures. Proposals need to have one Czech and one Taiwanese Principal Investigator.

The evaluation of project proposals is conducted independently in both partner agencies. Each agency will make the decision of approving a project for funding by itself, based on their project proposal evaluation and by comparing its quality to other national project proposals for the given calendar year. The final decision on the funding of bilateral research projects depends on final approval from both research grant agencies (NSTC and GACR).

Within GACR, proposals are submitted via an online system – GRIS. Czech applicants have to follow the Tender Document of the respective year when submitting the proposals. It will then go through the standard process of evaluation, which is based on a bottom-up peer-review system and evaluation by respective panels.

Contact person at NSTC for the bilateral cooperation with GACR is:

Prof. Ting-Fu Hong, Ph.D.
tel.: +420 235 312 715

NRF - logo

Cooperation with Korea

On 8 June 2005, a Memorandum of Understanding on Research Cooperation between the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and the Korea Research Foundation (KRF), now the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF), was signed in Prague. The aim of this Memorandum is to establish and broaden cooperation in research and development between researchers and institutions of these two countries and to enable better exchange of information and techniques in the areas of common interest.

The agreement of cooperation focuses on bilateral grant project. Proposals are to be submitted in English to both grant agencies simultaneously and should meet all criteria required by GACR and NRF. The call for proposals is announced once a year usually in February/March, and the total project duration is two years. Proposals for bilateral projects have to be based on mutually complementary methodologies and procedures. Proposals need to have one Czech and one Korean Principal Investigator.

With respect to bilateral projects, the evaluation is conducted independently in both partner grant agencies. Each agency will make the decision of approving a project for funding by itself, based on the project proposal evaluation and by comparing its quality to other national project proposals for the given calendar year. The final decision on the funding of bilateral research projects depends on final approval from both research grant agencies (NRF and GACR).

Within GACR, proposals are submitted via an online system – GRIS. The Czech applicants should follow the Tender Document of the respective year when submitting the proposal. It will then go through the standard process of evaluation, which is based on a bottom-up peer-review system and evaluation by respective panels.

Contact person at NRF for the bilateral cooperation with GACR is:

Ms. Jihye Shin
tel.: 02 3460 5683


DFG - logo

Cooperation with Germany

In November 2005, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) was signed. The aim of this Memorandum is to establish and broaden cooperation between researchers and institutions of these two countries in research and development and to enable the exchange of information and techniques in areas of common interest.

The agreement of cooperation involves all areas of science and technology. All scientific and academic workers may take part in it, as long as they meet all criteria required by the Czech Science Foundation and the DFG.

The cooperation is focused on bilateral grant projects. Proposals are to be submitted in English to both grant agencies simultaneously and have to meet all criteria required by DFG and GACR. The call for proposals is announced once a year in February/March, with total project duration of two to three years. Proposals for bilateral projects have to be based on mutually complementary methodologies. The projects need to have one Czech and one German Principle Investigator.

With respect to bilateral projects, the evaluation is conducted independently in both partner agencies. Each agency will make the decision of approving a project for funding by itself, based on the project proposal evaluation and by comparing its quality to other national project proposals for the given calendar year. The final decision on the funding of bilateral research projects depends on final approval from both research grant agencies (DFG and GACR).

Within GACR, proposals are submitted via an online system – GRIS. The Czech applicants should follow the Tender Document of the respective year when submitting the proposal. It will then go through the standard process of evaluation, which is based on a bottom-up peer-review system and evaluation by respective panels.

For more detailed information (in German) please visit DFG.

NOTE: Since the year 2021, cooperation with the German Research Foundation DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) has been transformed from the international bilateral projects to international projects evaluated on the Lead Agency principle (LA grants) within the Weave initiative.

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Cooperation with São Paolo

On 5 November 2018, a Memorandum of Understanding on Research Cooperation between the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) was signed. The aim of this Memorandum is to establish and broaden cooperation in research and development between researchers and institutions and to enable easier exchange of information and techniques in the areas of common interest.

The agreement of cooperation involves all areas of science and technology. All scientific and academic workers may take part in it, as long as they meet all criteria required by GACR and FAPESP.

The cooperation is focused on bilateral grant projects. Proposals are to be submitted in English to both grant agencies simultaneously and have to meet all criteria required both by GACR and FAPESP. The call for proposals is announced once a year, usually in February/March. Project duration is two to three years. Proposals for bilateral projects have to be based on mutually complementary methodologies and procedures. Proposals need to have one Czech Principal Investigator and one on the side of Sao Paolo.

With respect to bilateral projects, the evaluation is conducted independently in both partner agencies. Each agency will make the decision of approving a project for funding by itself, based on the project proposal evaluation and by comparing its quality to other national project proposals for the given calendar year. The final decision on the funding of bilateral research projects depends on final approval from both research grant agencies (FAPESP and GACR).

Within GACR, proposals are submitted via an online system – GRIS. Czech applicants have to follow the Tender Document of the respective year when submitting proposals. It will then go through the standard process of evaluation, which is based on a bottom-up peer-review system and evaluation by respective panels.

Contact person at FAPESP for the bilateral cooperation with GACR is:

Ana Paula Yokosawa

NOTE: It is currently not possible to submit project proposals to the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).


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