Panels Regrouped

The Presidium and the Scientific Advisory Board of the Czech Science Foundation have reorganized the panels and the fields they cover in Technical Sciences (Discipline Committee 1), Physical Sciences (Discipline Committee 2), Social Sciences and Humanities (Discipline Committee 4), and Agricultural and Biological-Environmental Sciences (Discipline Committee 5).

These changes will apply to calls and tenders published next year.

The best scientists received the Czech Science Foundation President’s Award

The President of the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) Petr Baldrian awarded the five best scientific projects this evening at the Strahov Monastery. The awarded basic research has significantly contributed to the deepening of knowledge in the given disciplines and opened the way to further practical application.

The winning projects and their results have contributed to the discovery of new alloys with unique properties, increased our ability to divert the orbits of potentially dangerous asteroids threatening the Earth, opened new pathways for cancer treatment research, but also focused on the link between poverty and ethical decision-making or plant chemistry strategies.

“Selecting five award-winning projects from dozens of top projects was very challenging this year: just like in the years before, there were many results that were reflected in the most prestigious scientific media. The selected projects benefit from prestigious international collaboration and also have the potential to extend into applied research. With their results, the project investigators show that it is possible to do world-class science in the Czech Republic and are an inspiration for future generations,” said the President of the Czech Science Foundation, Prof. Petr Baldrian.

The Czech Science Foundation President’s Award has been regularly awarded since 2003 in recognition of outstanding results achieved in grant projects completed in the previous year. Recipients are selected on the recommendation of several hundred scientists who evaluate projects funded by the Czech Science Foundation. The awards are presented in five areas of basic research: Technical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Medical and Biological Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Agricultural and Biological-Environmental Sciences.

This year, for the first time, the laureates received a trophy depicting the foundation’s motif along with their award. The trophy was created from recycled glass and 3D printing by designers from Plastenco design in cooperation with the Czech Science Foundation. “The design and production of a unique trophy linked to science and basic research is a highly prestigious matter for us. The dominant part is made up of circles inspired by the logo of the Czech Science Foundation, rendered in the colour of bronze. We have applied a small element of playfulness: the circles can be moved, taken out, bent and inserted according to one’s own imagination,” says Kateřina Sýsová, co-founder of the company.

The award ceremony was attended by representatives of the Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, the Ministry of Education, the Research, Development and Innovation Council, universities, the Czech Academy of Sciences and dozens of other distinguished guests.

Laureáti Ceny předsedy GA ČR 2024

Award-Winning Projects

Technical Sciences

Prof. Ing. Hanuš Seiner, Ph.D., DSc., Institute of Thermomechanics of the CAS

Laser and ultrasound to revolutionize materials engineering: Revealing hidden structures in alloys for new technologies (project: Advanced laser-ultrasonic characterization of structural transitions in metals – analysis beyond the homogeneity assumption)

Scientists have designed laser-ultrasonic methods to characterize newly developed generations of alloys, which often have complex microstructures and unusual elastic properties. These materials have a wide range of applications, for example in optical devices or joint implants. The project has also contributed to the discovery of several new alloys with unique properties.

Physical Sciences

Mgr. Petr Pravec, Dr., Astronomical Institute of the CAS

Asteroids on a collision course: How space probes and new discoveries help protect Earth from collision  

project: Physical and dynamical properties of space mission target asteroids, and their evolutionary paths

Scientists have analyzed the physical properties and parameters of asteroids based on changes in their luminous flux. This has been crucial for space missions to these objects and the subsequent interpretation of the obtained data. They were also involved in the US DART mission, which tested technology to deflect potentially dangerous asteroids by impacting the asteroid Dimorphos.

Medical and Biological Sciences

Mgr. et Mgr. Dalibor Blažek, Ph.D., Masaryk University – CEITEC

An important enzyme in the fight against cancer: How CDK11 opens up new possibilities for cancer treatment

project: Characterization of kinase activity of cyclin-dependent kinase 11 (CDK11), an essential enzyme for the growth of cancer

Enzymes from the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) family control important functions in the cell. CDK-blocking substances are important in cancer research and treatment. Scientists have discovered that the overlooked enzyme CDK11 plays a key role in RNA editing. The substance OTS964, which has anti-cancer activity and blocks CDK11, prevents RNA editing in the cell. The research has revealed a new mechanism of RNA editing in the cell, providing new opportunities for cancer treatment research.

Social Sciences and Humanities

Doc. PhDr. Julie Chytilová, Ph.D., Economics Institute of the CAS

Poverty and behavior: How financial distress affects ethics and decision-making

project: Determinants of Pro-Social and Anti-Social Behavior: Field Experimental Evidence

Research among Ugandan farmers shows that poverty and financial distress lead to impatient behavior – people prefer immediate consumption and do not want to wait for longer-term results. This can worsen their future situation and keep them in a ‘vicious cycle of poverty’. Financial distress also increases the risk of unethical behavior. Research findings suggest that even short-term assistance can improve the decision-making and economic situation of the poor in the long term.

Agricultural and Biological-Environmental Sciences

RNDr. Martin Volf, Ph.D., Biology Centre of the CAS

How insect invaders shape the chemical defences of plants: Secrets of the diverse chemical makeup of willows

project: Why is there such high diversity of chemical defences: role of insect herbivory in promoting chemical diversity in willows

Plants produce hundreds of thousands of chemicals. They are able to tailor their production to survive in different environments. In harsh climates, they produce high concentrations of a narrow range of substances, while when insects attack, they produce a large number of chemicals, including those that attract the predators of the insects in question. Research has revealed how the chemical strategies of plants evolve and how the vast amounts of substances they produce are created.

Even plants know that two is better than one, say scientists

Terezie Mandáková from CEITEC, a research institute of Masaryk University, received the Czech Science Foundation President’s Award in 2020. We present an interview with her and her colleague Ales Kovařík from the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, with whom she jointly works on projects funded by the Czech Science Foundation. In this interview, prepared by CEITEC, you will learn how their research on plants is progressing, how this research can help to face global challenges, and how humour and sense of perspective help to cope with the enormous burden that research can mean for personal life.

Some growers talk to their plants. Beyond the psychological impact on humans, does this also affect plants? Do you also talk to plants in the lab?

Terezie Mandáková (TM): While plants likely don’t “hear” words the way we do, they are sensitive to their environmental, including sound. Research has shown that sound vibrations can influence plant growth. For instance, studies suggest that exposing plants to certain sound frequencies can stimulate their development. Sounds akin to human conversation may promote fluid movement within plants, potentially benefiting their metabolism. As for me, do I talk to them? Well, sometimes I sing in the lab (laughs). It lightens the mood and creates a more relaxed atmosphere.

Aleš Kovařík (AK): You observe them more closely, checking on how they’re doing, and you strive to provide the best possible conditions. This added care definitely has a positive effect on plant health. It’s similar to raising children – the more time, love, and attention you give them, the better the outcome. So, from both a scientific and psychological perspectives, it’s a lovely way to connect with nature.

Gossypium hirsutum (Cotton Plant) has chromosomes from both parents. It has a higher fibre yield and drought resistance

Gossypium hirsutum (Cotton Plant) has chromosomes from both parents. It has a higher fibre yield and drought resistance

It seems that the combination of feminine and masculine elements in your research partnership works remarkably well. What makes you such effective collaborators?

TM: What truly enhances our project is how our different perspectives enrich our work. It’s not about whether the team is exclusively male, female, or mixed – what matters is maintaining an open mind and welcoming diverse opinions. This approach fosters team energy and creativity. While we sometimes feel pressure to boost the number of women in projects at all costs, I believe research should not focus on quotas. Ultimately, it’s the talent and skills each individual brings to the team that lead to innovative outcomes.

AK: We have been working together for several years, and we complement each other perfectly, despite the generation gap. The younger CEITEC team brings knowledge of modern technologies and innovative methods, while I contribute experience and best practices. This blend of youth and experience creates unique opportunities for research development. For instance, when we worked on a project funded by the Czech Science Foundation (GACR), this dynamic proved highly effective. We successfully secured two grant projects and are currently working on another.

Both of you are involved in joint research on hybrid and allopolyploid plants. I understand that a hybrid plant is an offspring resulting from the crossing of two different species or varieties, but what exactly is an allopolyploid?

AK: Generally, hybrids tend to be infertile. A classic example is the mule or the hinny, which are crossbreeds between horses and donkeys. While these hybrids are strong and vigorous, they cannot produce offspring. This is where allopolyploidy comes into play, as it can ensure the fertility of hybrids, potentially leading to the creation of new species. In a typical hybrid, the offspring receives one set of chromosomes from each parent. In contrast, an allopolyploid has duplicated sets, meaning it has two complete sets of chromosomes. This “double dose” of genetic material often gives plants unique characteristics. A prime example is wheat, which results from crossing three different grass species, leading to six sets of chromosomes. This genetic complexity contributes to wheat’ greater resistance and improved growth traits.

What exactly are you focusing on with hybrid and allopolyploid plants?

TM: We’re interested in how their genes change and adapt. We study the mechanisms that influence the function of ribosomal DNA and ribosomes. In simple terms, we examinate how genetic differences between the parent plants are expressed in allopolyploids and how this impacts ribosome formation and the plants’ adaptability to various conditions. Our research contributes to better understanding of plant evolution, the origin of new species, and the factors that influence their genetic diversity.

Examples of cytogentic study of bittercress

Examples of cytogentic study of bittercress

How are ribosomes and ribosomal DNA related?

TM: Imagine that in every cell, whether in your body or in plants, there is a little factory that constantly produces the essential building blocks – proteins. This factory is called a ribosome. To function properly, ribosomes need instructions, and that’s where ribosomal DNA, or rDNA, comes in. It serves as a library that stores the blueprints ribosomes use to assemble proteins.

AK: We recently published a paper in The Plant Journal exploring why nature has provided these factories with two different types of blueprints and the significance of each. While we know quite a bit about 35S rDNA, the 5S rDNA we study remains largely a mystery, particularly in hybrid and allopolyploid plants where the genomes of different species are combined.

How do you unravel this mystery, and what have you found in your research?

TM: Our research focuses on three species of bittercress, a meadow plant that serves as a “lab mouse” for our studies. We have discovered something akin to a revolution in the ribosomal factory. Imagine two factories producing similar products merging to create innovative new ones, using the best components from both. In allopolyploid plants, the genetic materials from both parent species combine to form what we call chimeric ribosomes. Interestingly, during this process, some genes are often “switched off”. This likely happens because the cell needs to simplify its genetic makeup and stabilise its functions.

AK: When a cell receives multiple copies of the same or similar genes during hybridisation or polyploidisation, it can lead to overload and unbalanced activity. This is where epigenetic regulation comes into play, helping cells avoid issues like overproduction of molecules or malfunctioning cellular processes. By silencing certain genes, plants can more effectively process genetic information from both parents and adapt to new conditions.

T. Mandáková, A. Kovařík

T. Mandáková, A. Kovařík

Gene switching likely did not emerge overnight; rather, it is probably an integral part of plant evolution. What are the implications for the plant kingdom?

AK: The implications are significant. Gene silencing acts like a silent conductor, guiding how a plant responds to environmental changes. It can silence genes from one parent while activating genes from the other, allowing the plant to optimize its adaptability in a given environment. This process can even cause different populations of the same species to activate or silence distinct combinations of genes, ultimately leading to genetically unique lineages. Such mechanisms promote evolutionary diversification and can lead to the origin of new species that are better adapted to specific conditions.

Listening to you, it seems almost impossible to fit research into a standard eight-hour workday. How do you manage to juggle your demanding scientific work with your personal life?

TM: The key is balance and effective time management. When science is also your hobby, you find joy in it, which helps recharge you during challenging moments. However, it’s crucial to maintain clear boundaries between work and personal life, set priorities, and sometimes even laugh at your own mistakes. Humour and perspective, in my opinion, are essential for success and satisfaction both at work and at home.

AK: I completely agree with Teri. However, like any hobby, a passion for science must be tempered. If you become overly zealous, you can easily get lost in research that leads nowhere. Having a strong background in family, engaging in cultural activities, or participating in sports not only provides balance, but also fosters important self-reflection that helps clarify what truly matters. For instance, I love volunteering at a kids’ summer camp; it reminds me that the challenges at work aren’t as overwhelming as they may seem. Conversely, a scientific approach can enhance your ability to critically evaluate information in the media and on social networks.

Strawberry cultivars are derived from Fragaria × ananassa which arose in 17th century by a chance interspecific hybridisation

Strawberry cultivars are derived from Fragaria × ananassa which arose in 17th century by a chance interspecific hybridisation

Most people don’t find plant research as attractive as, say, developing a cure for cancer. What draws you to the study of plants?

TM: Plants are literally the cornerstones of life on Earth. Without them, we wouldn’t have food or oxygen. Plant research is vital for our future because it helps us understand how to ensure food security and protect the environment. What many people may not realize is that many medicines, including those for cancer, are derived from plants, which provide essential raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, studying plants is not only fascinating but also crucial for sustaining life on Earth.

AK: Our work is a piece of a mosaic that reveals the bigger picture of how plants function and how they can help address global challenges. We study how ribosomes and genetic diversity enable plants to survive and thrive even in extreme conditions. This research is essential for developing crops that can meet challenges like climate change and food security for a growing population. Additionally, we recognise that our research intersects with other fields; for instance, we know that ribosomes in cancer cells differ from those in healthy cells, which could lead to more targeted cancer treatments. Ultimately, our work offers hope that we may one day discover plants with remarkable properties that we can hardly predict today. That’s what keeps us moving forward.


Source and photos: CEITEC MUNI