On 27 November 2019, GACR President signed a memorandum of understanding with the Swiss National Science Foundation on bilateral cooperation on the Lead Agency principle. This new cooperation enables scientists from the Czech Republic to carry out scientific projects in basic research with new foreign partners. The first call is announced now with the SNSF in the role of a Lead Agency. Projects duration is maximum 3 years.

Detailed rules for submitting project proposals under the new LA cooperation will be published at the beginning of 2020.
Notification by Swiss Agency
There are hundreds of thousands of known asteroids in the Solar System. We have detailed information on only a few thousand of them so far. The Czech Republic is a world power in creating models of these cosmic bodies. The GACR project “A big picture of the main asteroid belt – physical properties of asteroids derived by inversion of optical and infrared photometry” focused on the analysis of data on asteroids. The team led by doc. Mgr. Josef Ďurech, Ph.D., achieved to describe more than a thousand new cosmic bodies.

In the area of asteroids modelling, the Czech Republic is the most productive in the world and these models are used by scientists around the world for further research and measurement. The results also serve for further basic research, for example to derive and obtain further information about the asteroid, such as its thermophysical parameters etc.
doc. Mgr. Josef Ďurech, Ph.D.
Astronomical Institute of Charles University
Most of us perhaps know that we divide burns by intensity into four basic groups. Even though extensive burns can be fatal, modern ways of treatment greatly improved the treatment results. Scientists are currently working on full replacement of the burnt skin.
One of them is Ing. Alena Řezníčková Ph.D., who has been dealing with this task for three years as part of the project “Physically deposited and anchored metal nanostructures on solid substrate”. The main objective of the project was to modify the surface of the sample, polymer or glass, using physical and chemical methods to improve its properties for medical and electronics applications. The polymeric substrate itself is inert and therefore not suitable for other applications.

Ing. Alena Řezníčková Ph.D.
Department of Solid State Engineering