Cooperation within CEUS initiative has been started

On Monday 17 June 2019, the highest representatives of GACR, FWF (Austria), NCN (Poland) and ARRS (Slovenia) solemnly signed the “CEUS – Central European Science Partnership” Lead Agency Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding on the unilateral administration and mutual recognition of evaluation procedures. This new cooperation enables scientists from the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and Slovenia to carry out scientific projects with new foreign partners based on the Lead Agency evaluation, which is among the increasingly preferred forms of cooperation between foreign agencies supporting basic research due to reduction of administrative burden. Within the CEUS initiative supporting basic research in the Central European region, scientists will be enabled to submit bilateral and also trilateral project proposals on the LA principle.

In brief:

  • It is possible to submit bilateral and trilateral projects in the first call.
  • Projects duration is maximum 3 years.
  • First project proposals will be accepted from 22 February 2020, when detailed rules will be published as well.
  • Within bilateral and multilateral LA cooperation, the main criterion for determination of “Lead” agency will be stipulated in international memoranda. The main criterion is the budget amount of the international team, via which the project is submitted. On the basis of this “Lead” criterion, scientists determine the national LA agency that will evaluate the project proposal.
    • Bilateral projects: at least 40 % of total project costs must be requested with the “Lead” agency
    • Trilateral projects: at least 25 % of total project costs must be requested with the “Lead” agency
  • The Lead Agency is the only agency that will evaluate the projects from the scientific perspective.
  • Partner agencies evaluate the formal and financial part of their national applicants’ project proposals.
  • In case GACR becomes the Lead Agency, the proposals will be evaluated by advisory bodies of GACR, in accordance with concluded partnership agreements on mutual cooperation and in accordance with individual agreements concluded between partner organizations, in such a way as the level of quality of LA project proposals recommended for funding is not lower than the level of quality of project proposals recommended for funding under standard projects.

GACR as a founding member of CEUS – Central European Science Partnership

On Monday 17 June 2019, the top representatives of GACR, FWF (Austria), NCN (Poland), ARRS (Slovenia) signed the ‘’CEUS – Central European Science Partnership” Lead Agency Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding on the unilateral administration and mutual recognition of evaluation procedures”. This new collaboration will enable scientists from the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and Slovenia to carry out scientific projects with new foreign partners based on the Lead Agency evaluation, which belongs to the most preferred forms of cooperation among foreign agencies supporting basic research in reducing administrative burdens. As part of the CEUS Initiative to support basic research in the Central European Region, researchers will now be able to submit bilateral and trilateral LA based project proposals.

Representatives of cooperating organizations; Photo by Klaus Ranger (

GACR currently plans to announce the first call within this new initiative next year. At the end of June this year, The Research, Development and Innovation Council approved a new material enabling the agency to launch multilateral projects based on the Lead Agency principle. At this point, the material will be submitted to the Czech government for approval.

GACR signed a Memorandum of Understanding with São Paulo Research Foundation of state São Paulo in Brazil

On 5 November 2018, GACR President signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). As a result of this agreement, Czech scientists have the opportunity to expand their basic research activities abroad. In case of this new cooperation, project proposals were submitted for the first time in 2019. This cooperation is based on bilateral level with project duration of three years.


Meeting with the Deputy Minister for Science and Technology from Taiwan

On Monday 15 October 2018, GACR President Dr. Alice Valkárová met with the Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Taiwan (MOST) Yu-Han Tsou accompanied by a delegation of representatives from the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) and the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs) to discuss the possibilities for developing bilateral cooperation between the two agencies.


GACR signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Russian Foundation for Basic Research

On 14 May 2018, GACR President signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) in Moscow. As a result of this Memorandum, Czech scientists have the opportunity to expand their basic research activities abroad. The first call was announced this year and is based on bilateral cooperation with project duration of three years.


CEI regional HORCs group meeting – Multilateral Lead Agency Cooperation

On 4 and 5 April 2018, the working group with provisional name – Central Europe Initiative (CEI) met in Prague to discuss the future possibilities of cooperation on the principle of Multilateral Lead Agency between involved national grant agencies.

The Prague meeting followed the Ljubljana and the Vienna meetings. Heads of individual research grant agencies together with their representatives and members from international divisions participated in the discussions.

A joint agreement was reached that the first call will start with bilateral and trilateral projects in basic research on the bottom up principle. The most crucial task for all involved agencies will be harmonizing legal regulations, which the agencies abide by and which differ in each country.
The founding members of this initiative apart from the Czech Republic (Czech Science Foundation) are Poland (National Science Centre), Slovenia (Slovenian Research Agency), Austria (FWF Der Wissenschaftsfonds) and Hungary (National Research, Development and Innovation Office). Observers of the negotiations were representatives from Slovakia (Agentúra na podporu výskumu a vývoja), Croatia (Croatian Science Foundation) and Switzerland (Swiss National Science Foundation), who also represented Science Europe as an observer.