Unique Opportunity for Czech Scientists to Work Together with U.S. Colleagues

The Czech Science Foundation has succeeded in signing a prestigious cooperation agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF) government agency of the United States. This is the largest-scale scientific cooperation between the two countries ever. Czech and U.S. scientists will receive funding from both agencies to jointly explore areas such as artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, or plasma.

“Reaching an agreement with the United States is a tremendous success because the NSF is highly selective in its choice of partner agencies. This agreement will make it possible for Czech scientists to work with universities such as Harvard, Stanford, and other research institutions recognised globally,” says Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Koča, DrSc., President of the Czech Science Foundation.

“It took approximately two years to help establish this cooperation between the Czech Science Foundation and the NSF. It is the largest-scale scientific cooperation between the Czech Republic and the United States ever agreed upon,” says His Excellency, Mr. Hynek Kmoníček, Czech Ambassador to the United States.

This cooperation will help fund basic research projects which have a high application potential at present — artificial intelligence and nanotechnology. Project proposals are also welcome in the areas of plasma, astronomy, astrophysics, and certain humanities.

Calls for project proposals will be made this year already. The agencies will share the costs of individual projects — the Czech Science Foundation will cover the costs of the Czech part of the project, and the NSF will finance the U.S. part.

About the Czech Science Foundation

As the only institution in the Czech Republic, the Czech Science Foundation provides targeted aid using public funds to basic research projects only — the volume of funding was approx. CZK 4.2 billion (U.S.$ 195 million). Through its grants, the Foundation funds scientific projects carried out by seasoned scientists and teams as well as young scientists in their early careers. Each year, the Foundation funds hundreds of scientific projects on the basis of a multi-stage, transparent selection process.

About the National Science Foundation

Established in 1950, the National Science Foundation is an independent agency of the U.S. government responsible for the support of basic research. In 2021, it manages a budget of U.S.$ 8.5 billion, and its grants cover approx. 25% of basic research at U.S. universities. The NSA funds approx. 11,000 projects a year through highly prestigious calls for competitive proposals.  Funding from the NSF gave birth to a number of revolutionary technologies of their time. Throughout its existence, the NSA has funded 236 scientists who would later become Nobel Prize winners.

New COVID-related measures

The Presidium of the Czech Science Foundation has approved a number of measures in response to the ever-changing pandemic situation and various restrictions. The goal of these measures is to help Investigators and their teams to handle the situation.

Similar to last year, the changes involve more flexibility in the use of the grant funds, such as the eligibility of telecommunication and computer equipment, or the costs of childcare. We have also expanded the options to change workloads and modify project budgets,” says GACR President, Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Koča, DrSc., adding: “I trust that Investigators of projects to be completed this year will appreciate a six-month extension, which we have already approved. We are also helping Applicants by extending the project proposal submission deadline.”


1. Budgets Unexhausted in 2021 May Be Carried over to Future Years

You may carry over and draw unlimited amounts from unexhausted targeted aid in future years – and this is already possible on the basis of Tender Documents and in compliance with Decree 367/2015 on Principles and Deadlines of Financial Reconciliation with the State Budget, State Assets, and the National Fund (hereinafter “Financial Reconciliation Decree”). Thus, GACR makes it possible already now to carry over and use the funds received in any previous year to the following year(s) of the project.

2. Items of the Basic Composition May Be Shifted in 2021

Measure: Items of the basic composition of the grant funds allocated to a Beneficiary or another participant may be shifted by up to CZK 100,000 until the end of 2021 without a special request, and it is not necessary to amend the Agreement on Grant Funding nor obtain a new Decision on Grant Funding.

The Beneficiary must properly explain any changes or carry-overs in drawdowns in the next Interim or Final Report. The Beneficiary must prove that such changes or carry-overs have served a purpose, that they were economical, effective, and necessitated by the covid-related situation, limiting people’s movement and communication.

It is still possible to shift items worth CZK 100,000 or more on the basis of an individual request approved by the Presidium, and an amendment to the Agreement.


1. Eligible costs covered by grant funds may now (and until the end of 2021) include the expenses defined below if such expenses have been incurred as a direct consequence of the restrictions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic:

• Travel Expenses

Measure: Eligible expenses may now include the costs of COVID-19 tests if required for travel abroad in order to carry out a grant project. The amount of eligible costs will be reduced appropriately if the grant project is not the exclusive reason for your travel abroad.

• Postponed Conferences

Measure: You may still include costs incurred while carrying out a project among eligible costs (i.e. advances paid while the project was being carried out) if those costs were related to a conference which was postponed due to COVID-19 and was/will be held after the completion of the project, but no later than a year within such completion.

• Cancellation Fees

Measure: Eligible costs may include cancellation fees for cancelled conferences, including travel costs for cancelled business trips, both up to 100%, provided that the trip was cancelled due to COVID-19.
If the supplier refunds the costs or if you travel on a different date (e.g. using a voucher) but the trip is not related to specific project, you will be required to include these amounts in the project-related revenues.

• Telecommunication Cost

Measure: Until the end of 2021, eligible costs covered by grant funds may include the costs of telecommunication services and the costs of purchasing, maintaining, or repairing ICT devices and appliances (drawn from the material purchases or investments account), excluding phones, recorders, and readers.

2. Eligible costs coved by grant funds, specifically the overhead costs, may now include the additional expenses related to the covid crisis:

• such as the cost of childcare for the children and other dependants of the project team members.

3. Eligible costs coved by grant funds, specifically the material or personnel costs, may now include the additional expenses related to the covid crisis:

• costs of remuneration paid during e.g. a leave of absence or sick leave which is not covered by the government during the state of emergency;
• computer equipment used exclusively in a direct relation to the grant project.


1. Total Dedicated Workloads of a Team May Now Change by up to 35% without Prior Approval

Measure: If it is impossible to work on a project according to an approved plan due to COVID-19, the changes in professional teams that include a change in the total dedicated work capacity (workload) of up to 35% of the team’s total dedicated workload as defined by the Agreement (workload), including a change in the Investigator’s or Co-investigator’s dedicated workloads, are now possible through 2021 without a request for prior approval, and such changes do not require an amendment to the Agreement on Grant Funding nor a new Decision to Provide Grant Funding.

2. Decrease in the Minimal Dedicated Workload of the EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR Project Teams in 2021

Measure: If it is impossible to work on a project according to an approved plan due to COVID-19, the Beneficiary may request a reduction in the dedicated working hours of the individual team members carrying out the project pursuant to Article 5.1. of Annex 4 to the Tender Document.


1. Postponed Evaluation of the Final Report

Measure: If the Beneficiary requests a deadline extension for the evaluation of the Final Report, and such report is to be submitted by 31 July 2021, the deadline for the submission of the Final Report is now extended until 31 August 2021.
The option to postpone deadlines for projects to be completed in 2021 by six months has already been granted.

Information on Project Proposal submission

Please note that failure to indicate the Organization, i.e. the institution where you will be carrying out the Project and which will employ you for the duration of the Project (should you not intend to carry out the project independently as a natural person) is ground for disqualification of the Project Proposal from the Public Tender.

Institution means Organization, i.e. the future recipient of the subsidy, the data box of which must be used to deliver the Project Proposal to the Czech Science Foundation.

For some public tenders such as POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP (PIF) or JUNIOR STAR, it is not possible for the Project to be carried out by a natural person.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by phone +420 227 088 841 or +420 227 088 861 or by e-mail: info@gacr.cz.



UPDATE 10 APRIL: In a response to numerous requests from the scientific community, the Presidium of the Czech Science Foundation has decided to postpone the deadline for the submission of proposals into tenders already published, due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic situation in the Czech Republic, and the government’s new measures, such as the limited movement of people, and the closure of schools and kindergartens. The tenders already published are now cancelled, and will be launched again. That way, the deadlines will be postponed by 2 weeks, which should help organizations and applicants better deal with this extraordinary situation.



22. 2. 2021

The Czech Science Foundation has published a call for proposals in the categories of Standard Projects, JUNIOR STAR, and POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP, which is a brand new scheme. The deadline for submissions is 8 April 22 April. Results will be announced in November and December this year. At the same time, another tender is open for proposals for International Projects. Projects which win funding after multiple rounds of evaluations will be launched in 2022.

“The POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP is new this year. It gives Czech scientists who received their PhDs not too long ago an opportunity to get experience abroad. The Fellowship also makes it possible for scientists from abroad to come to perform research at a Czech institution. Our goal is to boost the exchange of experience, opinions, and ideas. Something that researchers cannot do without if they want to succeed,” says prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Koča, DrSc., the President of the Czech Science Foundation, and adds: “For the same reason, we are expanding our international cooperation. A substantial part of the expansion took place last year already. And this year, we are pushing forward also – thanks to Weave, a new initiative that we have co-founded – the number of agencies from abroad cooperating with the Czech Science Foundation is going to continue to increase.

Project proposals in the individual categories may be submitted by 8 April 22 April (deadlines may vary for international tenders). After submissions, the project proposals will be evaluated in multiple rounds of a transparent process where international experts are taking part in addition to local scholars recommended by Czech institutions. The JUNIOR STAR proposals are going to be evaluated by international experts only. The experts have been selected Science Connect, an independent agency. “Not a single project is funded without being reviewed by at least one international evaluator; the vast majority even received more than one review from abroad,” adds the Czech Science Foundation President. The winning proposals will be announced in November and December this year.

Standard Projects

Standard Projects are the cornerstone of grant funding for basic research in the Czech Republic – every year since it was established in 1993, the Czech Science Foundation has funded a few hundred of them . Standard Projects are funded to facilitate the best of basic research in all fields of science. Proposals for 3-year projects may be submitted by any researcher or team, regardless of their age or experience.

Tender Document Standard Projects 2022 (English version)


JUNIOR STAR was introduced last year and was met with tremendous interest. JUNIOR STAR grants are intended for excellent scientists in their early careers (within 8 years of receiving their PhDs) active in all areas of basic research who have published in prestigious international journals before, and have had substantial experience abroad. The 5-year project allows them to receive up to CZK 25 million (€966,000) and gives them an opportunity to attain scientific independence or even start their own research team, which can bring new areas of research into Czech science.

Tender Document JUNIOR STAR 2022 (English version)


POSTDOC INDVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP (PIF) is the latest type of grant funding, and a call for proposals has been published this year for the first time ever. The Fellowship is targeted at scientists who have completed their PhDs in the last four years. The OUTGOING PIF makes it possible for Czech scientists to perform research at any institution in the world, provided that the Fellow returns to the Czech Republic to spend at least one year at a local institution. The INCOMING PIF enables a scientist from abroad to come to a Czech institution to carry out his or her research.

Tender Document POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP – INCOMING 2022 (English version)

Tender Document POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP – OUTGOING 2022 (English version)

International Projects

Proposals for International Projects may be submitted in tenders published with agencies abroad jointly, on the basis of an agreement between the Czech Science Foundation and the other agencies. Project Proposals are either evaluated by both agencies (bilateral cooperation), or recommended for funding only by one of the agencies, and the other one accepts that recommendation (cooperation based on Lead Agency)

Agencies involved within bilateral cooperation

No call for proposals has come from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) this year for reasons on its part. New calls are expected to come back next year.

Tender Document International Projects 2022 (English version)

Agencies involved on Lead Agency basis

LA Terms and Conditions – GACR Lead Agency 2022 (English version)

LA Terms and Conditions – GACR Partner Agency 2022 (English version)


Additional international calls for proposals on the basis of Lead Agency may be published later this year.


Austrian-Czech Project Helps Fight Corona. A Solution to Decontamination of Surfaces, Facemasks, and Sensitive Objects

The COVID-19 pandemic has identified a clear need for the efficient decontamination of surfaces and objects of daily use to reduce the transmission of the virus through smear infection. The response has come from a research project funded by two research sponsors: FWF of Austria, and the Czech Science Foundation. It was the first international urgent funding project in late 2020. Its goal is to offer a safe, environmentally friendly, and affordable alternative of surface decontamination compared to current options.

 The Czech-Austrian research project explores decontamination, recycling, and reuse of heat or liquid-sensitive objects, for example highly effective face masks.

The goal of the project is to explore Cold Atmospheric Plasma technology (CAP) and its further application, and the effort involves teams of Thomas Lion of St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research in Vienna, and Vladimír Scholtz of the University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT) in Prague.

The project explores the effectiveness of CAP, as an innovative technology, against selected human respiratory viruses, such as the SARS-CoV-2, influenza A, adenovirus, and rhinovirus.

CAP je vlastně ionizovaný plyn, libovolný elektrický výboj.
What is CAP? It is ionized gas, in fact, any electric discharge.

A Fluorescent Gas with Disinfecting Power

CAP is an ionized, fluorescent gas. In principle, it is any electric discharge, a tiny spark ranging from a few millimetres to a few centimetres in size. Plasma generators are used to produce plasma.

“We developed a simple generator to decontaminate scarce FFP respirators as early as the spring of 2020, when the pandemic started. We proved it effective against the coronavirus, and we verified that the filtration capability of the respirators is not reduced by the plasma.  We named it Corona Spark against the Corona Virus, and released all documentation for everyone’s use,” says Vladimír Scholtz.

“I am delighted we have started successfully to work together with our Austrian partners, which makes it possible for us to further develop the application of plasma against microorganisms. St. Anna Children’s Cancer Research Centre works with viruses primarily, and we have explored low-temperature plasma and its microbicidal effect (it kills microscopic organisms) for over a decade,” adds Vladimír Scholtz on part of Czech scientists.

Please watch this video this video to find out how the plasma generator works.

Vladimír Scholtz focuses on the recycling and reuse of highly effective face protection, and surface decontamination using a new, safe, and environmentally friendly technology: CAP.
Vladimír Scholtz focuses on the recycling and reuse of highly effective face protection, and surface decontamination using a new, safe, and environmentally friendly technology: CAP.

Safe and Environmentally Friendly Method of Decontamination

Objects which cannot be decontaminated by heat or by liquid disinfectants may present a higher risk of virus transmission. The availability of alternative methods such as CAP is critical to prevent the epidemic spread of viral or microbial pathogens.

The effectiveness of CAP in bacterial disinfection is already well-established, and more recent studies have proven it suitable to deactivate viruses. “We need to establish new findings about the effectiveness of CAP to be able to design new and reliable appliances optimised for various areas of application,” says Vladimír Scholtz.

The outcomes of the research co-funded by the Czech Science Foundation and FWF of Austria are going to help introduce CAP as a safe and affordable alternative to decontamination methods deployed at present. In addition, getting to understand the mechanisms deactivating viruses through CAP will also help the researchers learn the strengths of this technology, and to tackle any weaknesses before the technology is released for a broad application. “Our goal is to see primarily healthcare providers using the plasma generators for the disinfection of objects and surfaces on regular basis. The advantage is that the manufacturing costs are not going to be extremely high, the generators should come in the single-digit or low double-digit euro amounts,” says Vladimír Scholtz of UTC in conclusion.

Generátor plazmatu (přístroj Koronový výboj proti koronaviru)
Plasma generator (Corona Spark against Corona Virus).

Cross-Border Cooperation

Titled “Decontamination of Sensitive Materials by Low-Temperature Atmospheric Plasma for Effective and Affordable Virus Elimination”, this international project has been funded through the “Urgent Funding SARS-CoV-2” programme. The project was recommended for implementation by FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung) of Austria in the Lead Agency evaluation regime, and is being co-financed by FWF and the Czech Science Foundation.

“This project is a showcase of a promising start of both cross-border and interdisciplinary cooperation. As a result of the Czech Science Foundation’s quick response to the call by FWF of Austria, teams of Czech and Austrian scientists were able to present joint project proposals responding to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic between April and December last year. There are additional joint projects dealing with the pandemic under consideration at the moment. They will be launched as soon as they are recommended for funding,” says Jaroslav Koča, President of the Czech Science Foundation.

The Czech Science Foundation continues developing international cooperation opportunities constantly. At present, the Foundation works together with institutions from Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Switzerland, Taiwan, Russia, South Korea, and São Paulo (Brazil). In 2020, the Czech Science Foundation joined WEAVE, an initiative which is going to open cross-border cooperation to additional countries in Europe.

Author: Renata Třísková, M.A.


Cooperation with the Luxembourg National Research Fund has been started

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) signed an agreement on cooperation with the Luxembourg National Research Fund (NRF) this week. The cooperation is based on the Weave initiative whose goal is to connect twelve research-funding European organizations together by 2025. Researchers will be able to apply for mutual projects with colleagues from Luxembourg already this year.

“Just like in previous years GACR is concentrating on expanding the possibilities of international cooperation. At the moment we have agreements with organizations from all over the world – these include a number of European countries, but also Brazil or Taiwan, for example. The cooperation with Luxembourg is in a way an anniversary, as it has become the tenth country we have an agreement with. It is, however, definitely not the last one. Thanks to the Weave initiative we are going to establish cooperation with at least five other European organizations in the near future, while negotiations with other countries are ongoing beyond the initiative, as well,“ says Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Koča, DrSc., the President of GACR.

Researchers will have an opportunity to submit projects together according to the agreement between GACR and NRF already this year. The cooperation is based on the Lead Agency principle, which means that the projects will be only evaluated and recommended for funding by one of the organizations, while the other one will adopt its conclusions. This year only GACR will be in the role of the evaluating Lead Agency in the case of the cooperation with Luxembourg. Starting next year, research projects will be evaluated by both sides.

Thanks to the Weave initiative researchers will not only be able to submit projects involving Czech and Luxembourgish cooperation, but they will also be able to join teams from Germany, Austria or Switzerland. An interactive tool has been developed in order to provide further information on funding opportunities for research projects.



Weave: Transforming How Cross-border Research is Funded

Today, 12 national research funding organisations, with the support of Science Europe, launch Weave, a cross-European initiative to fund and support excellent international research projects. It is the first time a large network of this scale has developed an initiative of this kind to enable bilateral and trilateral scientific cooperation in Europe.

Weave aims to simplify the submission and selection procedures of collaborative research proposals involving researchers from up to three European countries or regions with a single evaluation. It makes use of existing national or regional funding programmes, through which research projects will be financed. It seeks to make it easier for researchers to collaborate across borders. It also ambitions to increase the capacity of researchers to freely determine the composition, focus, and content of their projects.

“Scientists will certainly appreciate the Weave initiative because it will simplify the international cooperation, so vivid already. The major value added by Weave is the expansion of the group of countries whose scientists will be able to take part in projects. At present, we have cooperation established with Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Switzerland, and a number of countries outside Europe. Thanks to Weave, another six institutions from European countries will be ‘interwoven’ by the end of 2025. This way, we are creating a pan-European network of institutions funding basic research,” says Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Koča, DrSc., President, Czech Science Foundation.

Weave builds on the Lead Agency Procedure, through which a single funding organisation evaluates proposals put forward by an international team of researchers and communicates the funding recommendation to the other funders involved. In practice, the researchers choose a coordinating applicant, who submits the joint proposal to the respective Weave funding organisation in their country or region.

“We fully support the Weave initiative, and its effort to promote bilateral and trilateral scientific cooperation within Europe,” said Lidia Borrell-Damián, Science Europe Secretary General. “Innovative projects like Weave strongly contribute to strengthening international research collaboration and the realisation of the European Research Area.”

The Weave signatories have developed, with the support of Science Europe, an interactive online tool that researchers can use to determine the relevant funding opportunities for their projects.


Professor Jaroslav Koča Becomes New President of the Czech Science Foundation

By appointment from the Czech government, structural biologist Prof. RNDr. Jaroslav Koča, DrSc., takes over the helm of the Czech Science Foundation (“GACR”) today. He is replacing nuclear physicist RNDr. Alice Valkárová, DrSc., who remains member of the Presidium. Prof. Koča brings his managerial experience from the position of Scientific Director of the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), and his goal is to continue developing international cooperation, and to expand grant opportunities.

“The Czech Science Foundation has supported Czech basic research since 1993. Since then, the agency has supported thousands of projects involving tens of thousands of scientists from hundreds of institutions. I dare say that a great part of our basic research in this country relies on the Czech Science Foundation. Although this research is usually carried out in the Czech Republic, science itself is international, and it is necessary for Czech science to be world-class. My goal is to continue supporting excellence projects, and developing international cooperation. I also consider it vastly important to continuously improve the system of grant support so that it has the capacity to fundamentally support scientists in their early careers, take them through each next phase of their careers, and respond to current challenges in all our society and, indeed, challenges on a global scale,” says Jaroslav Koča, the new President of the Czech Science Foundation.

Jaroslav Koča is not only a scientist of high recognition, but he also has a wealth of experience from top management positions – at the moment he is acting as the Scientific Director of CEITEC. What I consider important is the fact that he has been member of the GACR Presidium since 2016, and deserves his share of credit for the current good condition of the Czech Science Foundation. He has taken an active part in its development, including a significant expansion of international cooperation, which is going to continue, and the preparation of highly selective calls for proposals within EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR projects. I am delighted to be able to hand over the Presidency to someone who knows the Czech Science Foundation very well,” notes Alice Valkárová, the outgoing President, who remains member of the Presidium.

In the course of his scientific career so far, Jaroslav Koča has published over 200 original scientific reports in international journals, and has led over 40 doctoral students and post-docs. He has worked at a number of institutions abroad, some of them in a long-term engagement (Norway, France, U.S.) Prof. Koča has also obtained and managed several large-scale international projects domestically and abroad in the volume of tens or even hundreds of millions of Czech crowns. He was appointed Professor in 1995 by the Masaryk University in Brno in the field of organic chemistry. Prof. Koča has held several science management positions, and has been the Scientific Director of CEITEC since 2015, a position he will leave by 31 December 2020. The government of the Czech Republic appointed Prof. Koča member of the GACR Presidium, where he takes over as President effective 10 December 2020.

About GACR Presidium

The Presidium of the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is appointed by the government of the Czech Republic upon nominations from the R&D Council. It is composed of five members, each of whom represents one of the five basic fields of science: Technical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Medical and Biological Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Agricultural and Biological-Environmental Sciences. Presidium members are appointed for a four-year term, and may serve no more than two consecutive terms. The President of the Presidium acts as the individual governing (executive) body of the Czech Science Foundation. The Presidium approves invitations to R&D tenders, and executes Funding Agreements, i.e., the grant awards to scientific projects on the basis of evaluations from discipline committees and GACR panels. Furthermore, the Presidium coordinates the activities of these advisory bodies, and appoints and discharges their members. Please click here to see more information about the GACR Presidium.

About the Czech Science Foundation (GACR)

The Czech Science Foundation (GACR) is a governmental agency and the only institution in the Czech Republic providing targeted funds to basic research projects only. The budget in 2020 is approx. CZK 4.2 billion (EUR 160 mil.) Within its funding schemes, the Czech Science Foundation provides financing to projects carried out by seasoned scientists and teams as well as young ones in the early stages of their careers. Each year, hundreds of research projects receive funding based on multiple levels of transparent tenders.


Czech Science Foundation to Support New Projects in 2021 with CZK 1 Billion

The Czech Science Foundation (“GACR”) will put approximately CZK 1 billion (EUR 38 mil.) into new basic research projects next year out of its total budget of over CZK 4 billion. The remainder of the targeted funds is allocated to on-going projects. Apart from standard projects, the Czech Science Foundation will fund EXPRO excellence projects and JUNIOR STAR projects targeted at scientists in their early careers. Another group of projects will obtain funds within international cooperation with research and development agencies worldwide.

“The Czech Science Foundation funds basic research projects at virtually all scientific institutions in the country – recipients include, primarily, the Czech Academy of Sciences and universities, but also museums, libraries, hospitals, and others. Each year, we allocate approx. CZK 4.2 billion to basic research projects. It is an enormous amount, more than 10% of the governments total R&D budget, and we are delighted to see the results coming in. More than half the articles by Czech scientists which rank among 1% most quoted ones worldwide have come to existence through our funding and support,” says RNDr. Alice Valkárová, DrSc., the President of the Czech Science Foundation, adding: “Sometimes basic research is not considered as important as applied research because it does not primarily aim at immediate use of the results in practical life. This view is short-sighted, however, because only through research that brings breakthrough discoveries can new inventions be created. Not even the greatest of innovations of a candle would result in the creation of a light bulb. Even the development of vaccines, so topical nowadays, is based on the findings of basic research.”

The Czech Science Foundation provides funding to projects from all areas of basic research – from technical sciences through natural and biological sciences to social sciences and humanities. Standard projects, of which hundreds get funded every year, usually support the top research efforts in the Czech Republic. New, highly selective projects include EXPRO, targeted at seasoned scholars, enabling them to explore unique ideas having the potential to give a fundamental push to the development of their scientific fields. In addition, EXPRO grants require their recipients to participate in the prestigious grant competition of the European Research Council (ERC). The JUNIOR STAR group of grants is an absolutely new scheme, targeted at scientists in their early careers who graduated with a Ph.D. no more than 8 years ago. Several dozens of researchers will be given the opportunity to become independent scientists, developing their own fields of exploration.

Furthermore, the Czech Science Foundation has developed, and is still developing, numerous international partnerships. The most recent ones include Switzerland, Slovenia, and Poland. Partnerships already in place include Germany, Austria, South Korea, Taiwan, Russia, and São Paulo in Brazil. Czech scientific teams work on international projects together with a team from the partner country. “In some cases, we have also seen three teams from three countries joining their forces. We are happy to be able to develop international cooperation so intensively. And we expect to continue expanding international cooperation in future years. Research in the vast majority of fields does not happen in a vacuum – findings are shared throughout the scientific community. The transfer of experience, and linking teams together, creates a significant added value,” concludes the President of the Czech Science Foundation.


About the Czech Science Foundation

Established in 1993, the Czech Scientific Foundation (GACR) is a governmental agency and the only institution in the country providing targeted funds to basic research projects. Within its funding schemes, the Czech Science Foundation provides financing to projects carried out by seasoned scientists and teams as well as young ones in the early stages of their careers. Each year, hundreds of research projects receive funding based on multiple levels of transparent tenders.


Standard projects 2021

International projects 2021

EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR projects 2021


Czech Science Foundation Approves Funding for New Standard Projects

The Presidium of the Czech Science Foundation (“GACR”) has decided which standard projects to finance in the area of basic research in the upcoming year. Standard projects will be funded along with EXPRO, JUNIOR STAR, and international projects. Another 60 (approximately) projects will receive funding depending on the current availability of funds after partner organisations abroad carry out their evaluations.

“This year, we have seen scientists showing much greater interest in funding than they did in previous years. The volume of funding available from the state budget distributed through the Czech Science Foundation in support of Czech science is still the same, however: approximately CZK 4.2 billion (EUR 160 million). I wish to congratulate all those who have succeeded in the tight competition and are going to receive funding, and I look forward to the results of their explorations,” says RNDr. Alice Valkárová, DrSc., President of GACR, adding: “I do realise that the applicants who have not received funding for their projects may be disappointed, I will be happy if they don’t lose their love of science. First, they can still amend their projects and submit again next year. Second, we are continuously working on expanding grant schemes to tailor them to scientists’ needs as best we can. Among the recommendations we follow in this effort are those from the government’s R&D Council. In recent years, we have been able to establish several significant international partnerships, and there are more to come. Also last year, we financed EXPRO projects for the first time, and this year‘s calls for JUNIOR START projects were published for the first time. We are planning to open a new tender for POSTDOC INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIP next year. We are delighted that the Czech Science Foundation has been a long-term provider of grant funding whose contribution to the high level of Czech science is substantial – more than half the articles by Czech scientists which rank among the 1% most quoted ones worldwide have received funding from us.

Additional standard projects, on top of those listed below, can be financed depending on the funding decision for international projects in cooperation between the Czech Science Foundation and partner institutions abroad. That decision should be made in the Spring of 2021.

In recent years, the number of projects involving international cooperation has surged. New international projects received funding in the amount of CZK 33.5 million in 2018. The amount went up to CZK 57 million in 2019. And CZK 105.6 million this year. And the amount ear-marked by the Czech Science Foundation for such projects is even higher: CZK 200 million. At the moment, however, we still do not know which projects will receive funding – most of them are still awaiting an evaluation and/or approval by the partner organisation abroad. If the financial provision for international projects is not exhausted, it will be used for the funding of another 60 projects (approx.) We will reach out to inform such applicants in the Spring about funding possibilities for their projects starting in the second half of 2021,” adds Alice Valkárová.

The evaluations of standard projects takes place in three stages, and there are 400 experts involved. Each project proposal was evaluated by at least four independent experts in a given field. Over half of the best project proposals were then assessed by evaluators abroad – more than 99% project proposals have received at least two evaluations from abroad. You are welcome to learn more about the evaluation process for standard projects.


List of projects funded in *.pdf format (in Czech only)


In early November, the Czech Science Foundation published projects to receive funding from the EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR programmes. It also published a list of international projects recommended for funding.