In an effort to improve the situation for research teams, the GACR Presidium in connection with the declaration of an emergency, restrictions on movement and personal communication approved temporary changes in the definition of eligible costs.

Changes in the course of the grant project:

  • transfers between basic structure items of the allocated grant funds to the beneficiary or additional participant, up to 100,000 CZK are possible without a request to approve changes by the end of 2020 and do not require an amendment to the contract or a new decision on the support provision;
  • in a case of acquisition of previously unapproved fixed assets, it is necessary to send the GACR a request for approval of the intended investment before the acquisition;
  • changes in the drawing or transferring of the subsidy must be additionally justified by the beneficiary in the following report (interim or final). It must be demonstrated that the changes or transfers have been effective, economical, efficient and have occurred in connection with the declared state of emergency, restriction of movement and personal communication.

Eligible costs covered by grant funds may include the following costs until the end of 2020, in case they have been directly linked to the restrictions adopted to stop the spread of the coronavirus epidemic COVID-19:

  • fees for canceled or non-realized conferences, travel expenses for conferences (cancellations) or already paid and canceled work stays abroad (up to 100%);
  • costs for telecommunication services; costs for the acquisition, repair and maintenance of devices and equipment from the field of communication technology (from the item of material or investment costs), except costs for telephones, dictation machines, readers;
  • costs for acquiring tangible fixed assets or amortization (the purchase price is higher than 40,000 CZK) and for acquiring intangible fixed assets (the purchase price is higher than 60,000 CZK) with the period of use longer than one year, which are necessary for carrying out the grant project and are purchased and used in the direct connection with the grant project.

The GACR Presidium recalls that other costs incurred in dealing with the crisis may also be included in the eligible costs covered by the grant funds from additional (overhead) costs:

  • g. the costs of child care for workers involved in the project.

The GACR Presidium also recalls that other costs incurred in dealing with this crisis may be included in eligible costs paid from grant funds from material and/or personnel costs:

  • the cost of wage compensation up to an amount not paid by the state to the employer in a state of emergency;
  • computer technology used exclusively in direct connection with the carrying out grant project.

New deadline for the submission of project proposals based on the Lead Agency principle

Dear applicants,

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has extended the submission deadline for the project proposals until 8 April 2020.

For the cooperation within CEUS initiative, the submission deadline for project proposals when GACR is in the role of Lead Agency is newly 4 May 2020.

Thank you for your understanding.

Statement of the GACR Presidium to the announced public tenders to support projects with the expected start of implementation in the year 2021

In the context of the coronavirus epidemic in the Czech Republic, the scientific community warns that the announcement of a state of emergency disrupts the preparation of project proposals in the currently announced public tenders.

In an effort to respond to the current state of emergency and to accommodate as much as possible all researchers, the GACR Presidium has decided to cancel public tenders in research, development and innovation to support the EXPRO, JUNIOR STAR, standard and international bilateral projects announced by the Czech Science Foundation on 21 February 2020 in the Business Register (with the beginning of the competition period on February 22, 2020 and the end of the competition period on April 7, 2020) with the anticipated start of the implementation from January 1, 2021 and at the same time GA CR Presidium further decided on the immediate re-announcement of all these tenders in research, development and innovation from today with the expected implementation to begin on January 1, 2021.

The conditions of the newly announced public tenders in research, development and innovation will be identical to the conditions of the cancelled public tenders. By cancelling and re-announcing the tenders, the Czech Science Foundation meets the request of a large part of the scientific community for an extension to the period for submitting project proposals until 4 May 2020. This would otherwise not be possible within the current legal framework of the Act on Support of Research, Development and Innovation.

After careful consideration and consultation with representatives of research organizations, the GACR Presidium chooses this solution and these terms. This will ensure the extension of the submission period whilst keeping to the original deadlines for the evaluation (i.e. 2 November 2020 for the EXPRO and JUNIOR STAR projects and 1 December 2020 for standard grant projects and international bilateral projects).

Neither the period of uncertainty for organizations and research teams nor the beginning of project implementation will need to be extended to the following year. The Czech Science Foundation thus acts with maximum effort to maintain continuity of basic research funding as well as to provide more time for project proposal preparation to all applicants.

The GACR Presidium is aware of the fact, that it will only be possible to fulfil these commitments with the maximum effort of both evaluators and the GA CR Office staff and believes that this decision will be accepted by the scientific community with understanding.

Thank you for your understanding.


The relationship between fish and bivalve molluscs is an excellent model system for studying survival and the risk of coexistence in a rapidly changing environment

The project dealt with various aspects of inter-population variability in the success rate of biological invasions and their impact on native species. Experimental and field studies in the areas of invasion and original occurrence were combined. Population genetic studies of both native and invasive species were also an important part of the project. The project was covered by the topic of the relationship between bitterling and host bivalve molluscs.

The most important discovery was the confirmation of the fundamental impact of inter-popular differences in the success of invasions, their impact, but also in the degree of vulnerability of native organisms. This finding may help to explain the known fact that some species may enter non-indigenous areas in the long term without any visible impact on native organisms. Suddenly, however, there is a dramatic change, after which this non-native species has significant negative impacts.

doc. RNDr. Martin Reichard, Ph.D.
Institute of Vertebrate Biology of the Czech Academy of Sciences


Compared to the situation in Western Europe and the USA, Czech suburbs are not at risk of segregation

During 2014 – 2016, the team led by doc. Martin Ouředníček, the Head of the Research Team of the Urban and Regional Laboratory and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Science of the Charles University, carried out the GACR project “Dynamics of social environment and spatial mobility in metropolitan regions of the Czech Republic”. The main objective of the project was to examine the dynamics of the social environment, which is influenced by various types of spatial mobility, such as migration or commuting.

The research focused on processes taking place in outer parts of post-socialist cities: residential suburbanization and transformation of housing estates. These processes differ significantly from developments in Western Europe and the United States, and the Czech Republic is quite unique in many areas.

doc. RNDr. Martin Ouředníček, Ph.D.
Faculty of Science of the Charles University


The HelD protein is important for correct gene expression

The project “Deciphering the Cellular Role of HelD, a Helicase-like Protein Associated with Bacterial RNA Polymerase” was a follow-up to the previous project, which focused on the study of several proteins that interact with bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) – an enzyme that is crucial for transcription of DNA into RNA. In this previous project, HelD was discovered as a new RNAP interaction partner, and given the central role of RNAP for gene expression that determines a cell’s ability to adapt to environmental changes or pathogens to survive in the host, it was very attractive to further study this protein and to obtain new information on functioning of the transcriptional apparatus.

Mgr. Libor Krásný, Ph.D.
Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences


Cooperation with Swiss agency SNSF has been started

On 27 November 2019, GACR President signed a memorandum of understanding with the Swiss National Science Foundation on bilateral cooperation on the Lead Agency principle. This new cooperation enables scientists from the Czech Republic to carry out scientific projects in basic research with new foreign partners. The first call is announced now with the SNSF in the role of a Lead Agency. Projects duration is maximum 3 years.

Representatives of cooperating organizations

Detailed rules for submitting project proposals under the new LA cooperation will be published at the beginning of 2020.

Notification by Swiss Agency


The Czech Republic is one of the best in the world in the research of space asteroids

There are hundreds of thousands of known asteroids in the Solar System. We have detailed information on only a few thousand of them so far. The Czech Republic is a world power in creating models of these cosmic bodies. The GACR project “A big picture of the main asteroid belt – physical properties of asteroids derived by inversion of optical and infrared photometry” focused on the analysis of data on asteroids. The team led by doc. Mgr. Josef Ďurech, Ph.D., achieved to describe more than a thousand new cosmic bodies.

Model of planet Itokawa

In the area of asteroids modelling, the Czech Republic is the most productive in the world and these models are used by scientists around the world for further research and measurement. The results also serve for further basic research, for example to derive and obtain further information about the asteroid, such as its thermophysical parameters etc.

doc. Mgr. Josef Ďurech, Ph.D.
Astronomical Institute of Charles University


The project results can be used in the fields of electronics or tissue engineering

Most of us perhaps know that we divide burns by intensity into four basic groups. Even though extensive burns can be fatal, modern ways of treatment greatly improved the treatment results. Scientists are currently working on full replacement of the burnt skin.

One of them is Ing. Alena Řezníčková Ph.D., who has been dealing with this task for three years as part of the project “Physically deposited and anchored metal nanostructures on solid substrate”. The main objective of the project was to modify the surface of the sample, polymer or glass, using physical and chemical methods to improve its properties for medical and electronics applications. The polymeric substrate itself is inert and therefore not suitable for other applications.

Ing. Alena Řezníčková Ph.D.

Ing. Alena Řezníčková Ph.D.
Department of Solid State Engineering


Cooperation within CEUS initiative has been started

On Monday 17 June 2019, the highest representatives of GACR, FWF (Austria), NCN (Poland) and ARRS (Slovenia) solemnly signed the “CEUS – Central European Science Partnership” Lead Agency Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding on the unilateral administration and mutual recognition of evaluation procedures. This new cooperation enables scientists from the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and Slovenia to carry out scientific projects with new foreign partners based on the Lead Agency evaluation, which is among the increasingly preferred forms of cooperation between foreign agencies supporting basic research due to reduction of administrative burden. Within the CEUS initiative supporting basic research in the Central European region, scientists will be enabled to submit bilateral and also trilateral project proposals on the LA principle.

In brief: